Getting ready to move can be a bit overwhelming specifically if you are doing most of the packing. It is essential to know there are certain items that should never be packed in moving boxes due to the items hazardous and/or perishable nature. There are many household products that are hazardous materials and often illegal to ship. What’s more, perishable items should never be packed into moving boxes and most definitely if moving long distance. An item spoiling in a moving truck due to climate change can leak and/or release odors causing damage to items. Packing these items can result in a consumer’s claim for damages being denied should a loss occur due to an item spilling, exploding, spoiling, etc. In fact, the consumer can be held liable for any damages and/or injuries that may occur as a result of their packing the hazardous items listed below. Note, if hiring the packing services of a professional moving company, the packing crew will not pack these items and will leave these items out for the consumer to dispose of, carry in their individual vehicles or better yet, donate to a non-profit.
For your protection and safety please omit the following:
Aerosol cans regardless of content
Heating agents such as Sterno
Nail polish and remover
Any type of gas in bottles or tanks including propane or oxygen
Fire extinguisher
Paints, varnishes, solvents, thinners and oils
Ammonia, bleach and other household cleaning agents
Chlorine granules or powder
Muriatic acid (also known as hydrochloric acid)
Auto batteries
Charcoal/lighter fluids
Matches and lighters
Any other combustible product
In addition to hazardous materials, perishable items and those of personal importance are recommended for your individual transport. These include:
Frozen/refrigerated food
Open food items
Prescription medications
Stocks, bonds, and securities
Collections, such as coins and stamps
Insurance policies
Jewelry and furs
Important documents
We encourage you to contact us should you have any questions regarding the what not to pack list. Please contact us at 850-877-7131 if you have any questions.