AMWAT Moving Warehousing Storage, agent for Wheaton World Wide Moving are ESSENTIAL BUSINESSES AND WE ARE OPEN FOR BUSINESS. AMWAT and WHEATON ARE PRACTICING THE CDC RECOMMENDED PROTOCOLS TO KEEP OUR EMPLOYEES AND CLIENTS AS SAFE AS POSSIBLE. AMWAT MOVING WAREHOUSING STORAGE, a trucking/logistics firm, has been categorized as an Essential Critical Infrastructure company by the Department of Homeland Security. See the Transportation Systems Sector subsection of the 16 Critical Infrastructure Sectors which may be found at:
Employees operating under AMWAT Moving AND Wheaton’s authority are classified as essential workers in accordance with the Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers guidance also provided by the Department of Homeland Security. A definition of essential workers is detailed at: The Transportation and Logistics section at that URL identifies, “Employees supporting or enabling transportation functions” as essential.
AMWAT Moving takes it’s civic and legal responsibilities seriously with regard to the Coronavirus pandemic.